WBMTTI is currently an all-volunteer community-based non-profit organization which strives to cultivate and maintain support for public transportation and the transit-oriented vision for the West Baltimore MARC Area. We accomlish this aim through civic engagement, advocacy, capacity building, and revitalization initiatives. These initiatives are funded by contributions--large and small--from individuals, non-profit organizations and corporate sponsors throughout the Baltimore Metropolitan Region.

To give in support of our work or to become a sponsor, please contact one of our Co-Chairs:

John Hailey (443) 467-0369
Joyce Smith (410) 362-3239

WBMTTI would like to extend a special Thank You to the following for their Support:
  • Citizens Planning and Housing Association
  • Baltimore Neighborhood Collaborative
  • Baltimore City Department of Transportation
  • Maryland Department of Transportation
  • Maryland Transit Administration
If you are unable to make a financial contribution, there are many other ways to give. To learn more please visit our Volunteer page by CLICKING HERE